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Masters concluded in Barcelona in a regime of interchange where I concluded my first professional experiences. Final Rate Design: 15 values ​​(0-20 values​​).

 Very sociable and interactive, love the outdoor and having already lived abroad, developed the ability to handle change and adapt to new cultures.



> From SPORTS, that always praticed from very early, seized the the concepts of Delivery and Full Commitment to a Challenge. Force Leadership as an example to follow, seeing everything and everyone as natural elements and enriching the way i take and never de oposite; helping me to achive and develop Team Spirit and Cooperation among all (Footbal, Swimming, Tennis, ...)​


​> Studying ARCHITECTURE led me to explore mainly, the creativity, so i can see everything as if it were a blank sheet, (a learning aspect / concept very common and innocent in this subject) but never neglecting the Functionality and Consistency, ally to a Constructive Vision and an Ability to Synthesis of all this aspects, in my opinion, mainly aspects generators of Society in which we live...



> Ambitious, motivated, driven, creative person, entrepreneur and with a very high sense of perfectionism.

> Extremely versatile and dynamic, coherent and realistic due to the present times of Labour Market.

My current AIMS are divided into two clear focuses:

>> Always achieve a final and excellence result with a total satisfaction through a strong transparency and attention

focused to the client, main motor and concern of the whole process.

Always open to new chalenges

João Maria Soromenho Vidal



Masters Degree in Architecture at the Lusíada University of Lisbon

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